Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for so much...

Happy Thanksgiving Darlings -

Today I have so much to be thankful for as it has been one of the roughest years I've had in a while. Yes, I is tough. We all battle with issues relating to work, money, relationships (family or romantic), health, etc.  But it seems that if even one of these things are out of whack, then LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS OVER.  But, I'm here to tell you my darling that it IS NOT.  Here are a few diamond nuggets of wisdom to help get you through. As you read, begin to think of all that you are thankful for.
  • If you're out of work or under-employed...know that you are not alone, God is with you. Take time to re-educate, learn a new trade or start something new.
  • If you're dealing with money issues...know that you are not alone, God is with you. Take time to seek wisdom. Allow yourself to be humble and open-minded so that new wisdom becomes visbile to you to act upon.
  • If you're dealing with relationship problems (like I've been dealing with)...know that you are not alone, God is with you. Take time to seek counsel and open yourself to vulnerability and compromise. And remember that communication is key. Then and only then will you begin to repair those stitches within and with your loved one.
  • If you're battling health concerns...know that you are not alone, God is with you. Take time to pray and the courage to accept. Acceptance gives you clear vision to push forward instead of allowing your emotions to get the best of you.
Heavy stuff right?  But did you notice the underlying theme? God is with you!! He died for our sins. My sin, your mama's sin, your lover's sin, even the bill collectors sin. lol The point is, he died so that we could live.  And that my darling, is something to be thankful for. :)

In living my life, here are a few things I am most thankful for:
  • my daughter Reagan's smile because it brightens my day and tells me that she is breathing and she is happy
  • being gainfully employed with a warm bed to sleep in at night
  • the food that I was able to provide and cook for my first Thanksgiving meal for my family
  • the clean plate and messy tray table that my daughter left behind after eating her first thanksgiving meal. She liked it!!
  • the health of all my friends and family whom I love so dearly
  • picture messaging, youtube and skype that allows our family to watch Reagan grow although we live hundreds of miles away.
Admist my trying year, I will continue to...Live everyday like it's Thanksgiving...

What are some things that you are thankful for? I would love to hear from you.

Until next time...

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