Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm a real REAL Blogger

Hello World!!! It's my first post EVER!!!  Feels a little weird just talking to the world because let's face's possible that NO ONE will listen or read for that matter.  But I am here and I'm screaming "Look Ma! I'm a Blogger. A real REAL Blogger". So let's get down to business.

I started this blog for various reasons. So, to make a long story short; I was a pretty fashionable youth with what little money I had. I made the best from what was given. And then I suddenly fell out of love with fashion. I wasn't that inspired by the styles/trends and probably the biggest reason was the increasing weight gain and low self esteem.  I had gotten into the "I'm not buying anything new until I lose weight" mode which left me completely out of style. And obviously the weight loss did not happen as fast as I would have liked. lol  Am I the only one whose experienced this?

Nonetheless, during that time styles had changed so much that I had become so unfamiliar. I had lost my mojo. So in effort to get my mojo back, I started reading fashion blogs and started to learn how to live life fashionably again.  And this is where the seeds for "The Diamond Lifestyle" began to grow. I wanted to share with the world that you can live life fashionably no matter if you are at your biggest self or your smallest self.

Have you ever lost your mojo? How did you get it back? You ever felt lost amongst the fast changing trends?

Let me know your thoughts below. I hope you've enjoyed and please keep reading.

Until next time.....

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