Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Big Give

Happy Giving Tuesday!! Yes, my Darlings today is Giving Tuesday.  I hear you...I hear you..."not another darn day!".  But my darlings, I promise this is one day to fulfill your soul and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  

Giving Tuesday is a new day to join the ranks of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. It is a day to give your time or money to your charity of choice. After giving thanks for all that you have on Thanksgiving, supporting small businesses and saving money on deals from the Black Friday and Cyber Money sales, how about sharing a little more love by giving a little bit on this day. To get an even better sense of fulfillment, try supporting a charity that is of extreme importance to you.  Maybe you know someone affected by cancer, lukemia, or anorexia. Try showing your support by helping out their respective charities.  And if you don't have the extra money to give....just give your time. Your time, caring heart and helpful hands will go a long way.

Honestly, this is the first time I've heard of this day...and I am surely glad it exists. I have always been very philantropic. I think giving back helps to warm the soul.  Today, I gave to GoodWill.  I try to make donations there a few times a year. GoodWill is a great way to give back. It gives you an opportunity to organize, get more closet space and share the warmth with those whom are less fortunate.  So, on GivingTuesday I am making a plea to all fashionistas across the country to clean out their closets (including husbands and kids) and donate clothes to help support a local charitiable organization that relies on clothing donations for part of their funding. It's a great excuse for a wardrobe makeover and a chance to really help those in need!

What are some charities that you frequent? Do you just donate money or items or do you like to get your hands dirty by donating your time? Share your thoughts below. I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time...

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